Effective Head Lice Treatments

Lice Treatment Option for Your Family

Head lice are more common than you may think and are not a sign of poor personal hygiene. Keep reading for the best natural, herbal, and traditional head lice removal treatments. Get rid of those pesky head lice for good. Head lice (pediculus capitis) are tiny, almost see-through insects that reside in the scalp of your hair, where they suck your blood and cause itchiness and irritation. They lay eggs, called nits, which may be seen as small white specks close to the hair’s shaft.

Female head lice can lay about six eggs a day, so an infested scalp may have around 100 eggs in it. Head lice infestations are common in children as they spread quickly in schools, particularly if kids share lice removal san diego combs or hats, hair accessories, or even possess close head-to-head contact.

Head Lice Treatment That Work

Check with your health care provider if your child suffers from allergies, asthma, or eczema before using and always conduct a little test first in the event of an allergic reaction. You still need to follow the lice removal san diego instructions very closely on the package also. In many cases, you’ll have to use the products at least two, sometimes the third period since eggs take around 7-10 days to hatch and may not be seen clearly by the human eye.

If you would like to get rid of head lice naturally, without using chemicals, you can get your child’s scalp and hair and utilize a fine-toothed comb. A specially designed nit comb accessible from most pharmacies would be your best choice. Take your time with this, making sure you have entirely combed out all areas. Wipe the comb with a piece of tissue after every lice removal san diego stroke and make sure the tissue is carefully thrown off. After it is done, some people today go through the full head one more time.