Getting To Know Alexei Orlov

Global Brand Strategist

Alexei Orlov,the renowned business leader and global marketer, always thought he would embark on the journey of priesthood and lead a peaceful and pious life. He started leading the church at some point of time in his life. However, different things were laid on the table for him. He knew well that he wanted to be a leader, and leading the church and its people and accompanying them throughout their spiritual journey was indeed a form of leadership. A leadership that shaped him and prepared him to be the best of leaders later in life. That is why he left the seminary. He never regretted his priesthood as he believes that that is what moulded him to be the global market specialist he has become.

He left the seminary and soon realized that the business field is where he truly belonged. He attempted his hand at merchandising, which proved incredibly useful. It taught him the basic business skills required in general and core team values that he went on to exercise faithfully. This whole experience enables Alexei Orlov to flaunt his creative side and explore the operational side of commerce.

The Success Of Brand Activation

It wasn’t long before he started applying all the principles that he learnt and initiated the setting up of a business that would be his own.

Alexei, throughout his career, occupied several global leaderships posts. However, he never forgot about his actual desire. Even when he was turning in all the companies on the verge of shutting down into successful and profit-making giants, he had a different long term goal that he hoped to achieve. And finally, he founded the MTM choice – Moment That Matter Choice – an independent initiative for marketing and the global level and brand activation.

Alexei Orlov believed in his exceptional building and acquiring skills, which led to his and MTM Choice’s success. This is the story of a man who loved brand activation and loved it and pursued what he loved initiating it at a global level.